Monday, December 21, 2009

Rome Day 1

So on Friday, I literally sprinted out of Mama Godbey's exam and into my car. Within half an hour, I was at the airport. I landed in Boston and it took freaking forever to get to the international terminal. They make you work for it. I got on a very cramped, fairly smelly plane, took a sleeping pill, and began to struggle to fall asleep because THEY WOULDN'T TURN THE DAMN LIGHTS OFF!! It was an 8-hour flight and I maybe slept for 4 of them. We landed in the Rome airport and took a train into Rome itself. Then we had to find the hotel.

We were exhausted and jetlagged so this was a problem. After wandering around with our carry-ons for like an hour, we found it and they wouldn't freaking let us check in until 2! We dropped our bags off and started walking. We soon decided that we needed to sit down so we got on the metro. We ended up near the Vatican.

We looked in our guidebook for a place to eat and located this little tiny pizzeria. There was an odd-looking pizza. It looked like it was covered in potatoes and hotdogs. My mom pointed to it and asked what was on it. Something must have been lost in translation because before I knew it, he had handed a slice to me. Turns out it WAS potatoes and hotdogs. Not bad though.

After that, we followed the crowds to St. Peter's Square. We sat against a pillar and soon fell asleep. We probably looked like hobos but I now have the rather unique claim to fame of having napped just outside St. Peter's Cathedral. We went to a gift shop. You'll be sad to learn that I didn't get any of you rosaries, paintings of any of the popes, crosses, or anything of the like.

We went and got hot chocolate. If you ever, and I mean EVER have the opportunity to have Italian hot chocolate, DO SO!! It is pretty much melted chocolate mixed with heavy whipping cream. It's so thick you almost want to chew it but it is DELICIOUS!!!

We were supposed to take a tour of the Vatican soon so we went and found our meeting place. When other people started showing up, I was very pleased to find that there was a extremely cute British boy. Yum. A few minutes later, I turned around and found that he was wearing smart kid glasses. I almost swooned.

Here are the pictures from the Vatican that come with humorous stories:

This is a naked statue which is really nothing amazing. There are a lot of naked statues in the Vatican. Seriously, if you can't handle full-frontal, don't go go to the Vatican. What's interesting about this one is that he seems to be missing his dick. Sucks to be him.

This is a freaking MASSIVE marble bathtub. It was for Nero's wives. (he had 5) One of them would only bathe in donkey milk. For realsies.

This is a billboard. It is one of 2 big-ass billboards in St. Peter's Square. Either this billboard is especially holy or even the Pope sold out.

This is the nativity scene inside the Basilica of St. Peter. The sky was full of twinkling lights. The fire was one of those cheesy fake fires. It was one of the most over-the-top, ridiculously garish things I've ever seen in my life. Vatican FAIL.

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