Saturday, December 26, 2009

Here you go, Lauren

Lauren told me to blog so I am. It's gonna be quick because I want to go to bed so no pictures but here's a quick list of things that have happened since my arrival in Florence:

1. Went to a butcher's counter in a Florentine Market. Plenty of gross pictures to come.
2. Saw the David. Taylor Lautner is more ripped and Andy Mientus is better hung. I was unimpressed.
3. My mother got screeched at for trying to take a picture of the David.
4. Went to Venice
5. Went on a Gondola. It was unimpressive but I could see how it would be fun with a Significant Other to make out with. They make out A LOT in Italy.
5 1/2. Felt like an idiot and lost a shit load of nerd points when I remembered that Firenze is the Centaur from HP. Mr. Tumnus is the fawn in Narnia.
5 3/4. Remembered this on a tour of Venice. Couldn't tell you anything else about this tour except that it was raining.
6. Tried to go to Midnight Mass at St. Mark's Basilica but left early because the flood sirens were going off.
7. Got caught in a massive Venetian flood and learned why all the locals wear rain boots all the time when the raised walkways abruptly ended and we had to walk for 10 minutes through freezing cold salt water that was knee-high at times. Not fun.
8. Bought a Venetian mask with green feathers and sheet music. I love it.
9. Tried to convince my mother to take me back to Venice in February for Carnivale.
10. See number 9.
11-infinity. See number 9. But to no avail.
12. Took a night train to Paris.
13. There was a plug in the train compartment. Watched like 4 episodes of Glee on a train.
14. Went to a Parisian department store. Decided not to pay 120 euros for a pair of skinnies, no matter how awesome they were.
15. Bought a sandwich.
16. Took a nap.
17. Was taught by my mother how to play Cafe World.
18. Went to Sephora. Had my make-up done. It looks awesome but there's a shitload of it.
19. Decided that I need translucent powder for theatre. It's great stuff.
20. Ate some delicious Indian food because it was less crowded.
21. Went to the Eiffel Tower
22. One-upped my brother by going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It was cold and windy but SO worth it.
23. Saw a Japanese couple get engaged on the top of the Eiffel Tower. I was SOOO cute!!!
24. Had my first actual conversation with someone from my side of the ocean since being here (i.e. Lauren. Hence the title of this blog.)
25. Realized how much I love and miss all of you.

Happy Holidays!

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